Alex Simas Braz

I am software engineer since 2002 and BlockChain software Engineer since 2015, especially smart contracts with Ethereum and RSK. I'm a professional certified in Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda and Bitcoin. I'm NEM and RSK technical ambassador in Brazil. We are witnessing the birth of something really relevant and transformative, and I had not seen anything like this in the last 15 years working with systems development and innovation. I am very excited about the possibilities of BlockChain / DLTs technology. Finally we have the freedom we deserve to live in a better world. Also I study and I am thrilled with the Austrian school of economics, freedom for the people, decentralization, disintermediation. I am currently specializing in BlockChain, encryption, and some of the finest programming languages ​like Java, Solidity, NodeJS. Actually working with brazilian instant payments and open finance as Solutions Architect.


  • Java Microservices

    I have been working since 2013 with micro services using spring-boot, spring-data, spring-security, circuit-breaker, health check, docker and kubernetes.
    Started in 2000's with Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere, Weblogic, and JSP, JSF with prime and ice faces.

  • Other frameworks

    I also developed services using Kotlin, Spring webflux reactive, NestJS - NodeJS, goLang and Rust.

  • Data Bases

    Relational = oracle, postgresql, sql server, mysql.
    Non-Relational = Mongodb, DocumentDB, Dynamodb, FirestoreDB


    Over the last 20 years, I have worked on several projects in the following areas:
  • Telecommunications
  • Financial services
  • Public services
  • Open Source
  • Speeches
  • Courses
  • +100 Projects
  • 17 Professional Certificates
  • 61 Repositories on Github
  • +10 Desktop Applications
  • 20 Years of experience
  • 3Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall

My first website was in 2005, when I developed a desktop system in Java, using java 1.5, hosted at locaweb, a former service provider in Brazil. From 2013 I started using the cloud, on AWS, using only EC2 (computing) and RDS (database system). In 2015 I started using SNS on AWS, in addition I started using AZURE for startups in 2016. In AZURE I used the azure data base with global replication. In 2016 I created a startup whose focus was the development using Blockchain, starting with Ethereum, Quorum, RKS and reaching the platforms of DLT (Distributed Ledger Technologies), Hyperledger and Corda. In 2018 I became an instructor of Blockchain and DLTs by Blockchain Academy. In 2018 I returned to the financial and benefits system, and then to a fintech, where I was able to work with a digital account, card issuance, APIs for availability to customers.

  • Open API
  • Contactless payments
  • Instant Payments
  • CQRS make resources available with greater throughput to customers
  • Open Finance


I writed some blockchain articles.