Alex Simas Braz
I am software engineer since 2002 and BlockChain software Engineer since 2015, especially smart contracts with Ethereum and RSK. I'm a professional certified in Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda and Bitcoin. I'm NEM and RSK technical ambassador in Brazil. We are witnessing the birth of something really relevant and transformative, and I had not seen anything like this in the last 15 years working with systems development and innovation. I am very excited about the possibilities of BlockChain / DLTs technology. Finally we have the freedom we deserve to live in a better world. Also I study and I am thrilled with the Austrian school of economics, freedom for the people, decentralization, disintermediation. I am currently specializing in BlockChain, encryption, and some of the finest programming languages like Java, Solidity, NodeJS. Actually working with brazilian instant payments and open finance as Solutions Architect.